Fellow Member (FSFCCA) - SFCCA Certified FCC Professional
This course has been designed keeping the training needs of the Head of FCC in mind.
The intake is currently limited to 4 a year.
This is a 120 hours Premium Programme designed to develop future FCC leaders including through coaching & mentoring for 5-years post-completion. It dovetails with the Professional Certificate in FCC for Private Banking & Securities which is a prerequisite. It is expected to be completed within 12 months.
This course is designed for senior compliance staff desirous of taking on senior leadership positions in the FCC space. Becoming a Fellow member entitles use of the designation FSFCCA, a badge of commitment, achievement and resulting status.
The approach of the Fellow programme is like none other in the FCC space. We look at FCC leadership as requiring a broad range of technical and management skills and also that leaders have the right broad and mature perspective in the context of the FCC space. And also need ongoing coaching & mentoring to fully realise their true potential as a successful leader.
Exclusions: The Fellow course does not cover specialized data management, data analytics, or technology management skills. Also, our management training is focused on “essentials” and we do not offer MBA level graduate courses on the chosen topics. Topics like RCSA are part of our “Perspective Builder Essentials” approach albeit they are not competency-based training on the topic.
In order to keep the Programme cost to the minimum (in line with our Mission), we have adopted eLearning courses from Udemy (management) and FINRA (ethics and conflicts). Udemy courses come with lifetime access and FINRA courses come with one year’s online access. Evidence of completion of these courses is a prerequisite to commencing the SFCCA FCC Perspective Builder readings/prep quiz (compulsory)/MCQ examination and the four written Assignments. Post-completion there is 5-year access to coaching and mentoring from the SFCCA Managing Director.
The FCC Perspective Builder is a series of regulatory content and thought leadership international articles/papers handpicked for their learning value and collated into PDF handouts for study. The prep quiz (compulsory) and the auto-proctored online examination are based on these reading lists.
We have the necessary written permissions where required including from FINRA (finra.org).
Course & Annual Membership fees can be reviewed on our Payments pages - for Singaporeans & for All Others.
Please download our detailed Brochure which provides details.
If interested email your detailed CV to us at training@sfcca.com.sg - once accepted, payments are via our Payments pages - for Singaporeans & for All Others.
Senior Fellow (Senior FSFCCA) - SFCCA Certified FCC Professional
Members who are currently a Fellow for at least 2 years
Are currently a country, regional or global head of FCC or by function e.g. Sanctions, FCC audit, for 2yrs
Have authored 5 articles (each 1500 words) for SFCCA members per year for two years (10 total)
Have spoken 3 times to SFCCA members (1hr video recording/at events) per year for two years (6 total)