Managing Director, CEO & Chief Trainer
Dr. Rohan Bedi, MCSI, FICA, is the Managing Director & CEO of SFCCA. He is the course creator and trainer for all our online courses. He was earlier a trainer with Euromoney Learning. He has previously worked with JPMorgan, Bank of America Merrill Lynch and PricewaterhouseCoopers in Singapore from 2001. He has earlier also worked with HSBC and ANZ Grindlays Bank in India. He has held important regional management roles and is a known thought leader. His exposure covers all banking businesses. He has authored a book on money laundering (received a PwC award also see NLA) and his co-authored eLearning was used by AUSTRAC for years (see US INCSR 2009) for free market training. He has been closely associated with NUS & NTU and has been on the ICA International Board of Advisors for six years.
Rohan is a Singapore citizen. He is author of "Indian National Security & Social Cohesion" (Fair Observer USA), and is a novelist ("The Second Attack"). Also see Rohanbedi.net
Sales Managers - SFC-UTAP Applicants
We have a dedicated sales team for the Singapore market:
Brand Awareness Team
We have four members in an offshore team headed by Rafi Khan, Marketing Director. ​
FCC Trainers
Please visit our trainers page.