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First Time Membership
Benefits of Membership
  • CISI UK is our partner for all our Dual Track AML Certification programmes

    • They are the UK’s largest and most widely respected professional body in this field

  • Our Associate/Professional courses are focused on Singapore FC regulatory compliance

  • Reflects commitment to the highest standards of practice on an ongoing basis

  • Underscores commitment to the highest standards of conduct

  • Opens up new opportunities for learning and skill enhancement 

  • SFCCA Fellows demonstrate skills a cut above the rest of the market

  • Creates professional learning communities for collaboration

  • Enhances professional face-to-face networking allowing showcasing of skills

  • Opens up new skill-based career opportunities

  • Please Note

  • All members/trained persons must adhere to the SFCCA Code of Conduct.

Membership Grades, Eligibility & Courses
Academic Grades
  • Please review our Grading System

  • Learners who score 100% in the first attempt (full Certificates not Top-ups) are:

    • listed on the Scholars' List for that Certificate (on this website)

    • profiled in a post on our linkedin page (9000+ connections), & our social media groups

Continuing Professional Development
  • All members need to complete at least 35 CPD hours annually as a condition of membership

  • 20 hours via training activities (as trainee or trainer) and content creation in FCC

  • 15 hours via other training e.g. people management, leadership, strategy, project management, data analytics

  • These can be SFCCA/other courses or externally published articles and papers

  • These should help to maintain or develop new knowledge and skills

  • The CPD year runs alongside the annual membership and extra hours cannot be carried forward

  • SFCCA will perform random checks to ensure members adhere to these requirements 

Individuals - Apply For A Course &/Or Membership
  • Please visit our Payments page and follow the instructions there

  • We will then set you up for access to the relevant course on Canvas LMS

  • You start as an Associate Member

Corporate Training
  • Banks/securities firms seeking training for their employees should visit our Corporate Training page


14 Robinson Road, #08-01A Far East Finance Building

Singapore 048545




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